About this process
This web site was set up on 12 March 2015 to enable the people of the parish of Seend and the Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to consult on the first Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan. This web site will develop as consultation progresses. This is your opportunity to influence how your parish will look for the forthcoming years to 2026. It doesn't matter if you are 5 years-old, or 105 years-old, you will have your voice heard if you choose to engage and participate.
About the Seend Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Seend Parish Council requested interested volunteers to form a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The current Steering Group members are listed on the Contact Page. The Steering Group is an impartial vehicle for the expression of your will as a Seend Parish resident. The aim of the group is to open a dialogue with all parishioners, and from that dialogue deliver your first Seend Neighbourhood Plan.
If you wish to know more about community-led planning follow this link:
About the Neighbourhood Plan Story
The Seend Parish Appraisal was initiated by the Seend Parish Council in 2010. The reason for the appraisal can be understood from this direct quote from the appraisal results document.
“The Parish Council’s main purposes in consulting with the Seend Parish were to be pro-active in exploring aspects of village life that were pertinent to the work of the Council and to gather data to help inform the writing of a Parish Plan that can, in its turn, inform the wider Community Plan. The Parish Plan will draw on information gathered through the Appraisal but will also involve other consultative forums.”
The information that was collected by members of the Parish Council in 2010 can be found here: 2010 Village Appraisal data.