Public Consultation comments 2015
Seend Consultation 24th and 27th June 2015 : Feedback from “Post-It Notes”
Employment and Business
- Does Seend have any broadband? (I know….)
- Would faster broadband benefit businesses (and others). Very important.
- Faster wifi please NOW –not in a years’ time…..
- Broadband speed (sad face)!! Non BT very slow.
- Broadband 20 mb/s plus of 4G
- Decent broadband
- Fibre optic broadband. : Agree.
- Better faster broadband. Yes please. Agreed.
- Broadband and a local chamber of commerce? Lots of people in Seend work from home. How many?
- More employment opportunities for teenagers/young people. +1
- Workshop spaces
- To turn the rectory into a care home for the elderly – our elderly have to leave the village which has been their home.; Would provide jobs for locally unemployed. Who will do this?
- We need more teacake! Cleeve House? Please can we have a small café? This would provide employment for teens and attract visitors.
- Allow existing businesses to expand if required, eg Sells Green. RHW engineering etc.
- Shop: open in evenings and/or all weekends – employment opportunity for young people?
- Shop is a fantastic asset – use it!
- Great bus service No. 49. Agree!
- Bus service to Trowbridge and Devizes very good.
- Good bus service to Devizes and Trowbridge serving all key destinations in both towns.
- A pity the “Link” has disbanded. Should be resurrected. Has it? Didn’t know it had finished.
- Better public transport needed e.g. more regular times for school buses
- Please can we have transport to Melksham. Doctor’s surgery, etc hard to get to it don’t drive, or just for shopping when you want to go. The Shuttle goes to Melksham Tuesday but is underused, when would be a better time?
- Bus to Bath (via Melksham) at the moment the bus 272 terminates at Bowerhill – perhaps get it to come via Seend. X72 continues to Devizes.
- How about an enterprising person to run a taxi service for this area?
- I value the Seend shuttle – a great facility for the parish. A big thank you to the volunteers who make it viable. I strongly agree.
- Seend shuttle is great but needs more support. V + 1
- All Seend’s fields and skylines need protection from development.
- Protect Seend skyline from development. I agree.
- What I value about the village of Seend is countryside access from good footpaths with fine landscape views.
- Seend’s skyline has changed many times. Dial Close, the Lye. Small development would not hurt. Provided the Lye field stays intact.
- Retain green belt between Seend and Seend Cleeve.
- It is obvious that our parish will change with the expansion of Melksham’s population and the urban growth that this will drive to the south and east of the town. The Seend western SHLAA site is a good place for some sustainable and affordable housing. We need a plan to ensure the necessary social engineering takes place before profit.
- To respect the landscape and acknowledge the need for housing. Then rather than mass development unique developments should encouraged with eco values and that people want to live in. + 2
- What about the 200 acres of solar panels!
- No solar farms on prime agricultural land. Plenty of other land for this inefficient technology.
- Any renewable energy facility within the parish must benefit parishioners. Our landscape visual amenity must be valued. Roof installation first – landscape as a last resort. We have a moral obligation to accept and promote renewables – but not at any cost.
- Solar panels are a good thing – just another crop to produce energy. +2. +1. However it would be good if all new houses had to have panels on the roof. +2. +2.
- We should be celebrating the amount of solar power it is a developing technology and needs people with the courage to try it.
- The SPPSG should create a plan that shows the ownership of land parcels.
- I see little value in having a conservation area designated. More important to have development areas designated by parishioners.
- Protect our large trees. I agree. +1. +1.
- Put a tree preservation order on the big Beech at the top of Spout lane.
- Plant more trees. +1 preservation order. +1. +1. +1
- Plant a public woodland on a field that could otherwise be used for development?
Changes in the Village since the village appraisal in 2011
- Church : Friends of the church formed to provide finance towards cost of church building and fabric.
- Bell: Make an amazing café! What views = who needs a pub/4 pubs in a village this size.
- We have to get past the idea that the village is perfect as it is. It has grown and developed over 100s of years – it can’t stop now.
- Well done everyone. Smiley face. Yes.
- Seend is a lovely village with a great community. Everyone needs to get involved in events, groups, activities etc in order for it to develop and change in the future.
- We do need a plan but people have to allow change and some development so the village has a varied and vibrant community.
- Please can you thank all the team for a very professional and informative powerpoint presentation. Really excellent. Smiley face.
- Well done everyone – a professional effort. Yes we do need a plan.
- To all the volunteers who helped put this together well done! And thank you for your efforts.
- Well done all you hard workers.
- Well done for all the effort put in so far and for asking our opinions. +1
- Excellent presentation! Overall we need as plan that encourages more collaboration (rather than competition) between the various organisations that run our community activities. But we also need more young people with the time, energy and willingness to follow in their footsteps of the ageing band of volunteers.
- The next task of the SPPSG should be to explain and then canvas the views of parishioners as to the relative merits of parish and neighbourhood plan and if we should proceed with either.
- Parking on alternate sides of Seend Cleeve with footpath on other and passing places.
- School needs to take more responsibility for the parking of parents during mornings and afternoons.
- Seend school parking. Why not park at social centre and walk through?
- School Road needs speed ramps and a 20 mph speed limit. (road used as a short cut too!!) Agree. +1.
- Consider making School Road one way to improve traffic flow – from High Street into school road and out on Bollands Hill junction with School Road.
- Everyone values car parking but no one treats Rusty Lane with respect – SPEEDERS is that you? Walkers/children at play park. Speed bumps please! Noisy for resident’s houses.
- A number of accidents at the junction on the A361 at Seend Cleeve when a car parked close to the junction in the layby obscures visibility of a closely approaching vehicle. Could be resolved by blocking off one parking place. +1/.
- Restrict parking to left of the Lye exit as drivers can’t see vehicles coming down the road from Devizes direction when exiting and lower/remove wall on Lye field corner to improve sight line to the right too.
- Traffic too large for the village. Roads not built for 40t lorries. Damaging village fabric. Dangerous to pedestrians especially at pinch point by school road.
- Lorries should be restricted thru Seend.
- Bollands Hill needs a weight restriction! Agree. 2 lorries can’t pass at bend by Pelch Lane as happened last week!!
- We need a weight restriction on heavy lorries through Seend High St – or at least a night time restriction. This would aid the shop turnover as cars could stop and buy. +1. +1. +2. +1
- Volunteers for a lorry watch? +1
- Too many HGVs go along the High Street. Traffic also moves along that road too fast, 20 mph limit would be much safer. +1.
- Too many large lorries, and heavy goods trucks coming through the village and too FAST! +1. +1.
- There is far too much heavy traffic in the High Street. The fact that it is a recommended that HGVs go along the bottom road is not good enough there must be a weight limit.
- Relieve Bollands Hill of heavy goods vehicles and coaches. +1. +1. +1. +1.
- There is an annoying bump in the High Street every time HGVs go over it there is a crash. Very annoying! Far too much heavy traffic through village anyway, nothing like breathing the country air!
- Speed bumps?: Not good for nearby residents – noise. No. Yes. No. Where? Definitely +2
- What about getting a weight restriction on Bollands Hill. Too many 20 tonne trucks. Agree. Yes. +1.
- A marked crossing over the High Street to Church Walk would be good. +2. +1. +1
- ? says close all roads around Seend for a day a year for a Grand Prix.
- The village is an “A” road and always has been where is traffic supposed to go? NIMBY? Via Melksham as proposed when Semington bypass road built. +1.
- Would be good to make the voluntary freight route less voluntary. +1. +2.
- Speed limit should be 40mph at The Stocks not 50 mph.
- Bell Hill needs a 30 mph limit as far as Inmarsh.
- Bollands Hill. No speed limit. No calming measures. No weight restriction over canal bridge.
- Bring back the policeman scare crow.
- Need 20 mph speed limit and speed bumps in Seend Cleeve.
- Bollands Hill needs traffic control and reduced speed limit.
- How about a 30 mph speed limit on Bell Hill? Also it would be useful in the terms of safety, if there were “give way” signs at this junction when approaching from Worton!
- Move 30 mph limit further back down Trowbridge road so more time for vehicles to slow down before reaching xroads with Bollands Hill/Worton turn making it safer to cross over and to turn right from village.
- Move 30 mph limit to top of Bollands Hill junction with Pelch so footpath safe along whole stretch from school road to Seend Cleeve.
- Reduce speed limit from 40mph in Sells Green to 30 mph, all part of the village. Safer for caravans turning into caravan parks in Spout Lane and to all businesses there.
- Speed calming measures needed in High Street.
- Would be useful to understand how many car owners/cars there are in the village households. Also where people commute to/work/shop, etc. Expand demographic information.
Note: There is a further and subsequent reference on parish traffic issues contained in teh Seend Road Safety Initiative Report, Version 1.6 dated October 2016. A copy of the report can be downloaded here.
Footpaths and Bridleways
- We value access to footpaths, and countryside – a great asset to living here.
- Great to have so many footpaths and bridleways all of which are generally well maintained. +1. I agree. Observe the country code.
- We really value our footpaths and access to the countryside. +1. +1. +1.
- Plant lots more trees! Provide footpath access through kissing gates in close proximity to living areas.
- Metal kissing gates should have rubber where they close so they don’t clang shut.
- Kissing gates are about £250 to buy. We need more in proximity to parish settlement areas. KISS THOSE GATES. Smiley face. Heart. Tick. tick.
- Kissing gates are not good for the disabled.
- Agree that footpaths are generally well maintained but please keep the stiles in good repair. Several are broken and have been for some time.
- Footpaths are too hard to trust or use. They are not kept clear and can’t be used. Should there be someone eg parish councillors point of contact and/or liaise with county footpath warden. Where are they?
- Try to maintain stiles, many have rotted and are dangerous to use.
- Walking group to maintain Church Walk.
- Link footpaths so they work. Check on seen 3 – 3a -2.
- More dog waste bins!!! Only 1 comes to mind.
- Maybe another dog waste bin at the top of Rusty Lane as the amount of dog waste along the bridleway from the School to the Canal is unacceptable. Agree.
- Poop bins please. +2. +1. +1. Who empties them? When I had a dog, I took the poop bag home, responsible dog ownership?
- Railway track (disused) could become a fantastic footpath if we could get landowners to agree.
- Footpaths and bridleways very important to promote healthy activity and means of access for local people. +1. +1.
Leisure, amenities and tourism
- Will the skatepark ever happen? Older children need facilities too. Hope not.
- Village needs more b and bs for visitors.
- No traveller sites. I agree. Disagree.
- How about an outdoor gym for children, teens and adults? Good idea.
- In Keevil they have a new defibrillator in their disused phone box, could we do this in the Cleeve or the Lye. +1. +2.
- A village defibrillator located by the halls could be a good idea. Agreed x 7. +2. +2. +1. +1.
- Maybe some play equipment for children/teens over 12 years since at the moment, there is nothing. Zip wire and equipment for older play.
- Park (maybe skate?) + other park with equipment for older children 12+ eg swings, zipwire, etc. somewhere to hang out. Disagree with skatepark.
- The Lye Field. Park and tennis courts are an amazing resource. We all need outside SPACE! It must be preserved at all costs. +1. +2. Agree.
- The view through Lye Field should be protected from development. Agree. +2. +3. +4. +1. +1. +1.
- The Lye Field is the heart of the village enjoyed and loved by all of us. It is used for cricket
- Lye Field. Key views. Consider adopting this as a village green to help preserve this aspect of the village.
- The Lye Field is a village asset, it should be kept as it is for all. NO DEVELOPMENT. +5. +1. +1.
- The Lye Field should be to Seend what Central Park is to New York. Village Green Status? Tick. +1.
- The visual amenity of landscape views from within the village should be preserved at all costs. Do not box in the Lye field. The SHLAA site is a threat to this and to the footpaths running through it. What is a SHLAA site???
- SHLAA strategic housing land availability assessment.
- The Lye field should be kept as a green play field without further development of any type. Strongly agree. +1. +1. +1. +1.
- The playpark on the Lye field has been a fantastic facility, but needs some upgrading/separation for small ones and older children and safer for play, eg all bark chippings gone, no obvious safe play area in evidence. Metal climbing frame dangerous: wooden balance broken: apply for area board grant to upgrade and improve?
- Mini astroturf pitch for all year round opportunity or money.
- Maybe if the WI was a café this could be utilised for young people too?
- Leisure centre/gym where WI hut is. +1.
- Improve signposting from caravan parks/canal, to village shop to increase trade/use footpaths and road?
- Pubs to serve food between 5 and 6. Children eat earlier than 6.30 and so do some older people.
- WI would make a great café (similar to Rowdey Cow) (Rowde).
- No to development on the field north of the Lye Field. It would spoil the view and spoil the rural feel of the Lye Field. We certainly don’t want more traffic in The Lye. SAVE OUR LOVELY VIEW!
- The Parish needs a “Housing Needs Assessment”, We have children in rented housing who would like to live in the parish. We need housing that is affordable for first time buyers. Under £200,000. It can be done!
- Be realistic first time buyers in the village haven’t been able to buy houses recently sold at £130 and £140,000!
- Already has been done in Cooks Close. Unfortunately they can be bought as buy to let!
- Where will the so called affordable housing go. This is a real problem.
- Should we be thinking about building more affordable housing to encourage young families into the village to keep the school alive? No. If it’s a suitable place. +1
- More affordable housing needed, potentially cross-subsidised by market sale housing. The question is where? WI Hall?
- Sheltered housing for older residents needed.
- Sheltered housing on site of WI Hall? Or elsewhere in village.
- Wonderful idea to extend existing vicarage to make accommodation for the elderly. By whom? Agree. +1. +1. +1
- Re vicarage – a good idea, could be developed in this and perhaps extended (large garden).
- Suitable housing available for the “ageing” population, to free up the large properties so more families and younger children can move in.
- Maybe a good development area if the Diocese buy a new vicarage?
- If vicarage becomes redundant, enlarge to 4 luxury apartments for elderly. It is not redundant. +1.
- We must have more affordable housing and small flats/houses for single people and couples. There is plenty of room in the village to do this.
- New domestic housing not to be viewed from kennet and Avon canal – WC planning rules!
- The beauty of Seend lies both in the landscape and the friendly, country loving folk it attracts. I agree any housing built should not be “rented out” at sky high rates and first off, unused buildings be developed as pleasant abodes.
- The western SHLAA site should be teamed with the Wiltshire Rural Housing Association Bromham, and the Ikea/Skanska partnership,
- Don’t forget starter homes for singles and marrieds without children.
- Vicarage? Not redundant. Small old peoples home? Agreed. Bring back a vicar!
- I think that a development of housing on the school road site would be a good idea – to provide some opportunities for families to move in. Close to the school with easy access.
- We need a really good old peoples home so the old codgers can free up their big houses to families. +1.
- There is a requirement for retirement properties within Seend. Ideally 2 bed bungalows – This would allow local’s living in 4 bed properties to downsize and still live in the village. +1.
- We need to change the village demographic profile to make it more sustainable. We need to create space and facilities for more of the young generation. We also need space for “twilighters” to stay in the rural community. Affordable homes for senior generation.
- Yes to old peoples home.
- The need for affordable housing to be addressed, but not as an extension to The Lye. The School Lane site would be much better (close to the school).
- Any new building does not have to be anachronistic – I would prefer to see good modern design rather than faux-Elizabethan or mock-Georgian!. Agree
- Housing: 3 parts to the village: space in Sells Green? The Cleeve? Rural Housing Association partnership to get affordable RENTED property for young families – keep village alive with playgroup/school. +1
- Development should be small scale (a few here, a few there) rather than another estate.
- Affordable housing with the first priority for allocation being the length of time living in the village. Local housing for local people.
- Develop beautiful, eco, yet affordable housing. Encourage “build your own” plots. +1.
- No domestic housing development to be visible from the K & A Canal – This is a County Council Planning Policy – therefore the 2 plots suggested on the slide show would NOT be suitable!!
- Housing development could be carried out oppose the Bell (allotment area). This could provide a new road layout by the Bell which would slow traffic leaving and entering the village from the East (Trowbridge
- Have we carried out a Housing Needs survey? In Seend ??? – mini SHLAA
- What is the demand for new affordable housing in Seend? Currently only 1400 applicants on Wilts Council waiting list for the whole of Wilts. Need to assess need rather than aspiration first.
- Wilts housing list does not reflect real housing need – people in rented accommodated removed from Bronze cat waiting list in Dec 2014. They still have a need for affordable housing rather than high private rentals in the village.
- Housing for the “next generation” of Seend/Seend Cleeve. Affordable/nut eco and blending into surroundings. My children love this village and want to stay but could not afford to buy. Priority given to children who have grown up in village. Strongly agree
- Small affordable self build schemes so young people can remain part of the community.
- Any new development of village would need to pay consideration to improving utilities especially water and sewage to village. Land behind Somerset Close used to be a tip. Very costly to clean up. Could not be built on as it is now.
- No development on, or surrounding/ adjacent to the Lye Field. Will spoil village. Agree.
- Build lots of smaller homes/bungalows for older people to move into and then we can stay in the village but free up our 3/4/5/6 bedroom houses for families to move into. But how would they afford them? Not happening now. Downsizers move instead.
- The/Any affordable housing built in the village ought to be tied into affordable re-use. So the buildings remain low in value for new owners to buy them. People from the village ought to be given first choice of purchasing these affordable houses. +1.
- School site is preferred – near school and public transport. Boundary trees should be preserved to avoid devaluing ‘squirrels’. Should have houses for families as well as starter homes and some accommodation for “elderly.”
- Concern over strategic expansion of Melksham – how it is encroaching on rural countryside – need for clear buffer between settlements to protect Seend PC and its rural setting.
- Seend is mainly a linear village with development along its roads both main and village, eg Cleeve, Spout Lane, Pelch, Sells Green. Still many parts where housing could be considered – all on or near Trowbridge-Devizes bus, or Devizes-Melksham bus and never far from the school/church/etc. Development is not just houses for the High Street area.
Community Buildings
- Also need to consider community spaces/greens/playing fields and how they are managed into the future. Think about a village common ??? ??
- Value the wonderful (oversubscribed) village school.
- Church and chapel is a valuable asset to community –needs support to maintain fabric. +1. Strongly agree.
- Church and chapel is a valuable asset to community –needs support to maintain fabric. +1. Strongly agree.
- I think we are all guilty of underusing the local amenities and services in the village. If we don’t all use them we could lose them in the future. We should all support the hard work put in to maintain pubs, clubs, shop, leisure groups etc. Agree. +1. +1 Agree v strongly.
- WI Hall – don’t spend good money on it. Pull it down and give 2 great village halls more parking and also keep allotments.
- Demolish WI Hall (beyond economic repair) and no need for 3 halls. Find alternative use for land (possible develop and use proceeds to upgrade other halls.
- WI Hall. Renovate. A great asset that should be used for the benefit of village. +1. +1.
- WI Hall is underused. It could be an amazing asset if done up properly! +1. How about “friends of the WI Hall”. Where would finance come from? The WI building may be redundant as a WI Hall but it is still a community asset of some value. We need to find a way to preserve it or transfer it. +1.
- NB removing WI Hall does not provide a lot of extra parking. Think about manoeuvring and not blocking in.
- WI Hall doesn’t belong to the village, yet all activities used to happen there, fete breakfasts, youth club, guides, brownies, scouts, skittles, panto, dog training – parties, concerts, flower show, teas – REFURBISH +1.
- WI Hall needs to go – we do not need 3 halls. BUT no housing – access on/off A361 is dangerous. Try going in as playgroup/soccer training parents drive out!
- WI knocked down and an extended social club. Could be used for more activates or a place for young people to meet with cheapish games, eg Pool, Darts, etc. Surely room in Community Centre for this now – just not offered/encouraged by it?
- WI Hall is an eyesore – needs renovating but where does the money come from and do we need 3 halls? Or pull it down and make more parking, keeping the allotments.
- Sell WI hall plot for a supported housing development with a caveat that the new owner maintains Rusty Lane roadway. Disagree x 7 times. Strongly disagree x 1.
- Put sheds for the allotments on the WI Hall site.
- Demolish the WI Hall – we do not need 3 in the village but NO to housing however limited on its site. Agreed. Why not houses x 2. Keep car park.
- WI Hall a valuable asset for the village being allowed to be wasted.
- The WI Trustees should make a decision this year about the future of the site. What about moving the shop and incorporate a café in a new building. Funded by rent/grants/donations.
- WI Hall not fit for renovation find better use. Agree – no need for 3 halls anyway.
- WI Hall has well and truly had its day – just an eyesore between two lovely village halls. Pull it down. AHHH but the atmosphere of its interior!!! Good condition inside!
- Do up the WI Hall and move the village shop there – ??? parking – small coffee shop and farm shop there too! Access? Parking? Brilliant, makes a lot of sense. Bad idea difficult access, no passing places.
- WI hall owned by WI – in process of being looked at for possible removal/renovation.
- Get rid of the WI Hall it is a real eyesore and could be used for extra parking. +1.
- Keep the WI Hall for storage etc. Do not sell hall and provide housing in its space, this will affect parking and the use of all the other amenities (Lye Field, tennis courts, halls, etc).
- The church is a very important asset for the community and must play a key part in any plan. Strongly agree. +1. Underused building?
- Combine the 2 Hall committees to make 1 group to manage both. +1. +1. +2. +2.
- Please can the shop be open at more convenient times for working people eg evenings, early mornings, this would benefit the shop and local people, They work long enough as it is. Is 7 days a week not enough!
- Why do we need a Community Centre – refurbished on grant money – is it sustainable? How many village people use it? How often? Why? Old working mens club, had its day? Only really need one hall, the Lye Field one.
- Is the Seend school building redundant? This is implied in the slide show!
- Do everything possible to support the village school and keep it open. +1. +1. +1. +1.
- The Community centre is vital to village life. Loads of people use it. +1. +1. +1. +1. +1. Get sports tv, bring in people and will more than likely stay.
- I would like to see more co-operation between management of Lye Field and Community Centre for mutual benefit of both facilities eg pooling resources. +1. +1.
- The Lye Field Pavilion could reduce running costs by using solar panels to heat water, cavity wall insulation should be considered as an option too. The “Summer Wine” crew need your help to keep this building and open space going for the future. +1.
- Lye field : Brilliant : used by everyone, field an amazing asset to the village – use it or lose it – join the committee and keep it alive. Agree.
- Why are all the “community” halls in Rusty Lane and not any in the Cleeve or Sells Green/Martinslade?
- Keep the Bell as a community asset if necessary.
The following comments were received via this web site from June 2015:
1. Regarding suggested change in use for the Vicarage, I would not be happy for any extension into the gardens or for parking, especially if access is to the rear via Rusty Lane. This would undoubtedly increase noise and traffic levels causing intrusion on adjacent properties.
2. 'No' to proposal for speed humps anywhere, especially in High Street. They are noisy and cause damage to tyre side walls and suspension, even at low speed, over a period of time. Motoring is costly enough!
3. I'm sorry I missed the opportunities to visit the Irene Usher Hall for comments. I see that most of the things I was going to comment on have been covered but one thing which has been bugging me for years is the signpost at the top of Bolland's Hill. If a stranger, approaching Seend from the Melksham road, does not know the village at all (as has been the case with many of my friends travelling to visit me), they see the sign to Seend on the main road and they are led up Bolland's Hill. Fair enough. At the top is an ambiguous signpost which reads Seend Cleeve (to the right) and Seend Worton (to the left). I know that the words Seend and Worton are separated but many friends have become confused at this juncture, thinking there may be a Seend Cleeve and a Seend Worton, two villages rather than three. Which Seend do they choose? Then, when they get to the crossroads as The Bell there isn't a single sign telling them they are now in Seend. The same applies for someone coming up Bell Hill. Oh, where are we now? I think we need a fourway signpost at the crossroads and a less ambiguous signpost at the top of Bolland's Hill.
4. Cafe needed in Seend. Maybe near The Lye bus stop, as children/teens can grab a bite to eat before the school bus comes, as some children don't have time to eat at home before they leave for the bus.