Meetings & Agendas
Seend Parish Council meets 11 times a year on the last Tuesday of every month, except December when there is no meeting. In addition, there is an Annual Parish Meeting (APM), which is held in May. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected at the APM.
The meetings are held in the upstairs meeting room of the Community Centre, Rusty Lane, Seend starting at 7.00pm.
Agendas: The agenda is published no later than 3 working days before the meeting. It is published on this website and placed on the main noticeboards around the Parish.
Parishioners can submit a request to speak at a meeting, providing they notify the Clerk 7 'Clear' days prior to the meeting. (Clear days do not include the day of the notice or the day of the meeting)
They will then be permitted to speak under “Items for Discussion from Members of the Parish”. The total time allowed for public speaking is 15 minutes unless directed by the meeting chairperson. Unless agreed by the meeting chairperson a member of the public shall not be allowed to speak for more than 3 minutes. In the event of several people wishing to speak about an item, the respective group(s) will be requested to select one spokesperson to address the Council.
Please contact the Clerk if you wish to attend.