Regulation 14, 15 and 16 archives-page 1
March 2021
It is anticipated that the referendum on the draft Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2030 will be held on 6 May 2021 and information will be published on Wiltshire Council’s website around 24 March 2021 about the referendum and how to view documents. If you do not have access to the internet and need support in viewing the Plan, from 24 March 2021 please phone customer services on 0300 456 0100 (lines open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) and ask to speak to an officer within Spatial Planning.
Information on the our Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed via Wiltshire Council website:
February 2021
Neighbourhood Plan Examination now complete
Examination process is now complete.
The Examiner has completed his examination of the Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan and has submitted his report, dated 11th February 2021, to Wiltshire County Council.
Subsequently Wiltshire County Council have reviewed this report and have completed the Decision Statement (Proceed to Referendum) dated 18th February 2021.
Please see both reports below:
January 2021
The Independent Examiner started the examination of the Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan. He carried out his initial review of the Plan and the accompanying documents. He visited the parish on January 13th 2021.
Please see his Initial Comments of the Independent Examiner report and the responses given as set out below:
Regulation 16 Consultation
Public Consultation
Begins: 5th October 2020
Ends: 30th November 2020
(Please ensure that any comments on the Neighbourhood Plan are received by Wiltshire Council no later than 5pm on 30th November 2020)
Further information including the submitted neighbourhood plan and how to comment can be found online via:
Alternatively, if you have no access to the internet and you wish to view the neighbourhood plan, a copy can be sent to you on request by calling neighbourhood planning on: 01225 713598 or 770354
Please be aware that all representations will be publicly available and may also appear on the Wiltshire Council website.
Following this consultation, the comments received will be passed to an independent examiner, to be appointed by the council, who will consider the representations and recommend whether the Neighbourhood Plan should be put to a community referendum.
lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Spatial Planning on Tel: 01225 713598 or by email to:
Regulation 15 is now COMPLETE.
The Steering Group have completed the Reg.15 stage of the Neighbourhood Plan process. This involved responding to comments received from the Reg14 consultation held earlier in the year, and amending the Draft Plan and Evidence Base reports to reflect comments that were relevant. The reviewed Reg. 14 Consultation DRAFT version (now the Submission Plan) was presented to the Parish Council for their approval at the July meeting.
The Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan August 2020 and the reviewed Evidence Base Reports are on this homepage and ready for the next stage of the plan. The Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Plan will be submitted to Wiltshire Council who will hold a Regulation 16 consultation. There is another 6-week minimum period of consultation. The Plan will be examined and a report issued setting out whether the Plan meets the basic conditions. If any modifications are needed they will be made before proceeding to a referendum.
Due to Covid-19 regulations, no referendum will be held before 6th May 2021. It will then be over to you. You have been waiting a long time (5 years now) but it will be 6 years before you are able to vote on it. Let’s hope we can all remember why we wanted to create a Neighbourhood Plan, and that we feel what has been produced was worth the journey.
We encourage you to vote YES.
Please stay safe, sensible and sane till then. It’s not over yet.