Seend Parish is entitled to have 11 councillors on the Parish Council. There are under 900 residents over the age of 18 on the electoral roll.
Parish Councillors are elected and remain in office for 4 years. They can be re-elected at the end of the 4-year period. In between elections, if a Councillor stands down for any reason, a notice of a Councillor Vacancy is advertised. Anyone from the parish can request an election to fill the vacancy, and if more than 10 parishioners request an election within 14 days of the notice, then the Parish Council will have to hold an election if there are more candidates than councillor vacancies. The cost to the parish of an election is approximately £2,100. If no election is requested, then the vacancies can be filled by Co-option.
Elections: took place on 6th May 2021. Seend Parish elections were uncontested with just 8 candidates leaving 3 vacancies. Two new Councillors were co-opted onto the Parish Council in September. Mrs Carole Vince has just stepped down from being a Councillor. So there are still two Councillor vacancies. Anyone interested in becoming a Councillor should contact the Clerk.
Names of the councillors are on the Councillor list on this website.
At these local government elections, parishioners can put themselves forward as a candidate. The requirement is that they should be:
- British, or a citizen of the Commonwealth, or European Union
- At least 18 years old
- Registered to vote in the area or have lived, worked or owned property there for a least 12 months before an election.
If there are more than 11 candidates, an election will be held on the date. If there are no more than 11 candidates, then the election will be declared as uncontested and all candidates will automatically become councillors without an election. It is in the interests of full democracy that there are as many candidates to ensure that an election takes place. Please click on the link below to find our more information and to download a nominations pack.