Regulation 14, 15 and 16 Archives -page2
Submission Version
Evidence Base Reports:
Click below to read our Submission Version Evidence Base Reports (published August 2020):
Notice of Regulation 14 Pre-submission Consultation and Publicity on the Draft Seend Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Seend Parish Council has prepared a draft Neighbourhood Plan for the Seend Parish Neighbourhood Area. The Plan proposes a number of planning policies which, once adopted, must be used in the determination of planning applications within the Parish.
In accordance with The Neighbourhood Plan (General) Regulations 2012, Seend Parish Council is required to publicise the draft Neighbourhood Plan and invite comments.
Copies of the Plan will be available for public inspection for a period of six weeks commencing on Saturday 15th February 2020 and ending at midnight on Saturday 28th March 2020.
Hard copies of the draft Plan will be available for public inspection throughout the consultation period,during opening hours at the following locations:
- the Community Centre
- the Brewery
- the Barge
- the Three Magpies
- Libraries in Trowbridge, Melksham and Devizes.
Please leave the hard copies at these locations so they are available for all to inspect.
This is a chance for you to see what we have been working on, and to make comments on the draft documents. Representations and comments may be made in the following ways:
Attending the consultation launch event on: Saturday 15th February between 10.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. at The Irene Usher Memorial Hall, Rusty Lane, Seend, Melksham SN12 6NS, where you can leave comments or pick up a comments form.
Downloading the comments form and emailing to:
Downloading the comments form and delivering it to: Seend Parish Clerk, 61 Seend Cleeve, Melksham SN12 6PX
All representations will be publicly available (with personal information redacted) and will be considered by the Parish Council in producing the final Plan. It will then be submitted to Wiltshire Council for further consultation and Independent Examination; this penultimate process is called Regulation 16.
Once all are satisfied that the Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’, Wiltshire Council will arrange for a referendum to take place. All Parishioners will have a chance to vote on whether they would like Wiltshire Council to use the Seend Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications within the Parish. If more than 50% of voters vote ‘yes’, then the Neighbourhood plan will be brought into force as part of Wiltshire Council’s Local Development Plan.